Family Offer

Tower of smoked ( 250 grams of Brisket - a kilogram of Ribs - 500 grams of Short Ribs - two plates of Cherry Meatballs - Be Joe burger with Sloppy Joe sauce - a variety of sauces and grilled vegetables - a plate of Quinoa salad - a plate of potato) + kids meal (4 pieces of chicken strips with potatoes, Lishlazz sauce and garlic sauce)

479 SR

Family Offer

Tower of smoked ( 250 grams of Brisket – a kilogram of Ribs – 500 grams of Short Ribs – two plates of Cherry Meatballs – Be Joe burger with Sloppy Joe sauce – a variety of sauces and grilled vegetables – a plate of Quinoa salad – a plate of potato) + kids meal (4 pieces of chicken strips with potatoes, Lishlazz sauce and garlic sauce)

479 SR

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